Sunday, September 8, 2013

Gay Marriage

Some people will lose respect for me,
and I want you to know,
if it was that easy,
I don't need it.
This is not me saying you should believe as I do,
this is simple food for thought.
So I am going to state a little about what I know,
I don't necessarily stand for "gay rights"
in the same way I am not entirely against abortion.

I believe in the fine line of compromise,
that our politicians are far to quick to look over,
so eager to fight for one extreme or the other.

I want to post a few valid arguments for either side of this debate.
I am researched,
but not as thoroughly as some people are.
If you disagree with anything,
or have a valid opposing argument,
please feel free to share.
The only thing I ask is that you post with it some kind of proof,
textual proof that shows it is more than mere opinion.

Once upon a time we broke free from English rule,
and each of state was considered its own country.
As they all began to fail on their own there was a secret meeting held to discuss the new and magical idea of democracy.
After a long and tiring event,
where representatives from the states spent months arguing,
it was agreed that there would be a federal government,
however the states would still hold SOME of its own sovereignty.

It has been widely accepted,
that marriage would be a state sovereignty,
for the states to decide.
until 196(something) so was schooling.

Mississippi, and many other south bound states,
got a good taste of how the federal law overrides state law.
JKF (i believe), ordered the schools to integrate.
In the south we tend to have an arrogance.
What we believe is right,
and you HAVE to agree or you are wrong.
This coincides with our abound religion.

we couldn't integrate our schools!
That was a sin,
and unconstitutional!

[Where in the Bible do you read black kids and white kids can't school together?
Where do you see it in the constitution?
More importantly, where do you read that if this happens it affects your personal religion?
 That's right, you don't.]

So there is the story of James Meredith at Ole Miss,
and guess what?
segregation has NEARLY died here in the south.

the big argument now is,
can the federal government enforce gay marriage?
Isn't it for the states to decide?

what someone else decides to do will not affect your relationship with your God.
More so,
as we saw in 196(something),
they absolutely can take whatever sovereignty they please.

Is that right?
Is that fair?
Well, I don't know,
but it doesn't seem right or fair.
Will it hurt us?
did it before?
Yeah it may cause an uproar,
but look at us now.
In fact,

I think it did us some good.

But Gay marriage will decimate the meaning of our religious marriage views!
only if you let it.
We are a country founded in God,
but a country founded in freedom none the less.

SO, someone believes differently than you,
does that affect you?

You still have a right to witness,
to tell them they are wrong,
but why should they not have the same rights as us?
Not just gay rights,
but human rights.

I am a born again believer in Jesus Christ,
I am madly in love with my God,
but I don't hate a single soul despite their decisions.
I don't try to force them to see as me,
if they want to talk,
they know what I believe.
So your gay,
and I may not think gay is entirely okay,
but I love you and I have no right to judge you.
Some of my best friends are gay.

I don't entirely believe in divorce either,
but I don't start campaigns saying that divorce should be illegal.
People make mistakes,
and they don't always know it is a mistake,
but they have every right to make it.
Their life is not my life,
and they will learn their own lessons through what they live.

To get down to it,
if you aren't gay,
why do you care?

What is a piece of paper going to do to them?
The same thing it does for us.
they will get marriage benefits,
and treated like same sex couples,
and who cares?
So Jack and Bill love each other,
and so do Sally and Ben.
What is it doing to you?

you don't believe that is right.
I am so sorry,
our entire country should live exactly how you see fit.
How have we made it this far?
Oh that's right,
by stepping on toes.

You don't have to think it is right.
Who cares?
God loves us all,
and you will get further working through God,
showing love and compassion,
then trying to force your narrow minded opinions down someones throat.

Fighting gay marriage is only making things worse.
Now I agree that maybe it should remain a state sovereignty,
and it kind of takes away from the freedom we are founded in if the federal government keeps taking away our states authority (kind of like communism, huh?).

But hey,
I may be wrong too.
Who knows these things?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Everyday, it is war.

Here lie the remnants of what was once a stable life.  Every night you sleep in fear of what waits in the morning.  You have done all you can to be the best version of yourself, yet still the life around you remains shaky.

            Have things ever been any different?  Have the knots in your stomach ever not been there?  Sure, once upon a time you fit in with your surroundings.  Once upon a time you were weak, dependent  insecure, unstable, impulsive, depressed, rebellious, obsessive, self-destructive, and so much more.  Yes, this is your eating disorder we’re describing.

            So, you still struggle?  You still want to fall into that person?  Look around you, do you honestly wish to fit into the chaos?  Are you not any better than that?

            Your right, you’re not any better than that, but what you believe in is.  What you've grounded yourself in is strong, and much bigger than your struggles.  Your background is polluted, your roots are disintegrating; however your renewal is eternal, and your repentance is pure.

            Yes, your surroundings reflect the person you were, and the person you were working to become.  Yes, returning would be easy.  No, it’s not worth it.  No, your life does not have to be as condemned as you once were.

            In clarification, I’d like to state that you are nothing.  You are worthless, weak, dependent, insecure, unstable, impulsive, depressed, rebellious, obsessive, self-destructive, and so much more.  Yes, this is you we’re describing.

            So, you’re still struggling?  Yeah, you always will.  Now look around you, do you really want to be average? Either way, you are and always will be.  You’re not any better than that on your own. However, what you believe in is.

            Our God is bigger than you, your life, your world, and everything you go through.  Our God is worthy, strong, independent, secure, stable, calm, perfect, just, level, encouraging, and so much more. 

            Stop the self-pity, step back, and look at life.  Our God is almighty!  We are nothing but His creation, so, who are we to live for ourselves?  Who are we to continue falling into our evil and sinful demons?  You may be able to handle it now, but you will get nowhere with out our Creator, our God.

“ When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, but finds none.  Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when it comes it finds the house empty, swept, and put in order.  Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that person is worse than the first.  So also will it be with this evil generation.”

                                                                                                            Matthew 12:43-45

Saturday, June 1, 2013

When life should be so bright, I fight the dark.

& When I am the happiest,
when things work out so well,
when I am praising God in overwhelming humbleness,
I am struck.

My clothes don't fit,
I wasn't even trying,
but I lost all the weight I worked so hard to gain.

It is hard to recover when your body won't.
The over sized clothes is a trigger,
my mind is so wired to starve.

I accidentally look for ways to get out of meals,
lie without thinking of what I'm doing,
my appetite is non-existent.

You may think that's a silly excuse,
but my body works off of appetite.
I have to have a taste or a craving,
I can't eat things I'm not in the mood for or don't like,
I seriously can't,
I throw up impulsively.

& now,
in the midst of my happiness,
I am struck.
The worst part is, it is all my own,
something I consider private,
an issue I don't like to burden anyone with.

I feel it stronger day to day.
I keep praying if I work hard enough it will go away.
I still eat,
but it's my mind set I feel slipping.

The way I feel when I look into the mirror,
the moment of evil happiness that surges through me when my clothes are too big,
the smile I get when people say how tiny I am,
the way I dread to eat around crowds of people,
how anxiety overwhelms me when those crowds of people talk about my eating habits,
the control I feel when I train my body to handle skipping a meal.

I don't want to change,
but I feel it.
I speak in faith that I will never become the monster I was,
I will never hurt so many people,
I will never reject such a giving God,
I will never kill myself in such a slow and painful manner for everyone to watch,
I will never be that alone again.
(Sorry for the language on the following pic)

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Invasive Bubbles of Facebook

Okay people,
I understand Google Plus is on the up rise,
I realize it is preferred by many,
it is sleek and stylish,
but dear Facebook,
the bubbles aren't helping you.

Yes, Google Plus has successfully accomplished the "bubble" look,

One day,
I turned my phone screen on,
and the face of some random stalker on Facebook is floating around in a bubble on my screen.

You can actually move this little bubble around,
to more convenient places on your screen.
The weirdest part is how it remains there after you read the message.
You have to physically drag and delete the stupid bubble yourself,
and who even asked for it to show up there?

Sometimes there are a lot of bubbles,
and they all show up on my lock screen,
which is UBER unattractive if your OCD like me.

The moral of this story is,
Facebook, you should stick to your own style.
The bubbles are way to invasive,
almost as if the random distant Facebook "friends" are staring into my soul...

P.S. The name "chat heads" is super inappropriate,
majorly weird,
and doesn't make Facebook anymore attractive.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

I'm back in season, and so is the thinspo...

You heard me right gang,
got a new laptop (the samsung chromebook),
and I am back on the web for all of my pointless blogging!
With this I must say,
I've noticed the excessive amount of thinspo have again taken over the web!
This my friends, is ridiculous!

"Nothing taste as good as skinny feels",
"Don't reward yourself with food, you're not a dog",
They call this fitspo!
this is the beginning signs of an EATING DISORDER!!!

We are all caught up on the obesity in America,
which is no doubt a problem,
but we have forgotten about all the others.
In encouraging overeaters to lose weight,
to be fit,
to eat less and exercise more,
we have forgotten to explain that everyone's body is DIFFERENT!
Not everyone fits into a category,
and people are becoming obsessed with being "fit",
like it's a competition.

In the beginning it is a choice,
but it won't remain that way,
before you know it you will cross a line,
be on the other side of the eating disorder quota,
and it will control you more than you will ever admit.
70 Lbs and 5 foot tall you're still concerned with your "fitspo",
but the only thing you need to be fit is to gain 40 Lbs.

I understand that some of you won't be triggered,
but this trend is much like the one Twiggy started in America many years ago.
Weight can very much so be an issue,
but if it isn't affecting your ability to do things,
then there are more important things left for your time and energy.

On a positive note,
My season. (:
Take the time to show off your bods ladies,
whatever the shape,
because uniform is just too boring.