Friday, January 7, 2011

Affection. Attention.  These are sore topics in our society.  While we all strive for them, we never vocalize what it is we’re striving for.  Either we have too much or not enough, but it never equals out.  Teenage rebellions, adult tension, we all get there with too much affection, a little too much attention.  Depression, anxiety, promiscuity, eating disorders, self-mutilation, adultery, we see it every day from lack of what our bodies, minds, and souls long for.  Eventually you don’t even want their attention, you simply want to continue down the path your heading.  A simply touch, a brush, a hug, it leaves you gasping for air.  You had it for a moment, and now its gone.  You’ve lost your knowledge of where you stand, the line is blurred, and you’re on edge.  What is wrong with our society?  What ever happened to parenthood?  Childhood?  The generation coming up is stepping up.  Kids, teenagers, young adults, they’re setting the examples.  The last generation dwindles.  Very rarely do you see our adults taking their responsibility.  What happened to God’s original vision?  Everyone acts as though they’re deficient in the amount of attention they’re shown, the affection they receive.  It looks as though our world is godless and falling apart, but I see my generation.  I see the people around me rising.  I see God working, and maybe our world is crap, but I see my God through it all.  Let God supply your affection, your attention.  Let God be all He wishes to be.  We need Him.


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