Thursday, January 26, 2012

The beauty of written words.

I hate reading books almost as much as I love it.
The beauty of written words engulfs me, and I always escape to a reality that isn't my own.
Unfortunately this alternate reality provided to me through each story I indulge,
is promised to come to an end.  My escape in turn, is only temporary.

I think this is the beauty of it.
To step in, live someone else's life,
exist in their reality,
and understand other people.

Yes, it may be fictional, but does that stop you from grasping life skills?
I enjoy learning someone else's perspective,
living their life,
learning their ways.
I hate leaving it,
I hate losing my escape,
I hate not being able to finish their lives for them,
but that is the beauty of written words.

I encourage you to read a book.
Get lost in someone else's reality,
you won't regret learning to be someone else.

It has taught me how to relate to many, and understand much.

God Bless,

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


" What shall it avail our nation if we can sent a man to the moon but we cannot cure the sickness of our cities? " - McCone Commission Report of the Watts Riot

I'm reading a book called a place to go a place to grow.  Its about the Challengers Boys and Girls Club.  I find that we often times underestimate to power of an individual.  I want to let you all know, we are capable of changing the world.  Maybe not drastically, or all at once, but one person at a time.  One person matters.  Make an impression!  One person's dream can change a community, a community can change a city, cities can change states, states can change countries, countries can change continents, continents can change individuals, who started the change.  Lives matter, so don't be discouraged.

So live passionately.  Let it be known that your life is unmistakably honest, and leave impressions.  Don't give up on your dreams, and help others believe in their own dreams.  Help me change the world, one individual at a time.  I praise God for who I am and the trials I face, because when he holds me up and covers me through the storm, other people notice I'm still standing, and I'm not capable of that on my own.

I live my life with the passion that explodes and overflows from me, and I pray to God that people are inspired by the plain honesty I live by.  I smile, and I hope that is an impression to change a life.  Be a life changer, and live your life as you.  I love you, and a life lived for others is as beautiful as it gets.

God bless.
- andriadawn

Monday, January 2, 2012

The beauty of a role model

Florence Patricia Ellis.

My role model and the woman that change my life and my ambitions.

My Girl Scout leader, my boys and girls club leader, my best friend, and most of all, a mother.
Mama Patt saved me from myself, and she was there when no one else was.  Her family is as my own and her life has inspired mine.  She has provided me with opportunities to meet so many people and step up into leadership positions and most of all, she has given me everything I’ve needed to allow myself to grow.  I have found myself, established myself, and it is all thanks to Patt Ellis.  Her heart gives me compassions, her determination gives me ambition.  Her faith led me to spirituality.  I don’t know how I will ever repay her, but I know I WILL go far in this life and I WILL succeed at all that I try to.  I intend on changing lives, or at the least allowing God to change lives through me.  I have had every opportunity I’ve ever needed to do so, and Mama Patt has given them all to me and inspired me to go forth. 

Thank you Mama Patt.  Thank you for saving me from myself, thank you for caring about me, thank you for loving me, thank you for taking interest in me, thank you for sticking with me, thank you for bringing me this far.  I will become all that I am capable of because of you.  Praise God for you.
I love you.

The beauty of a role model, especially mine, is the closet my mind will come to the beauty of God.  Her bright blue eyes, her giving heart, how I yearn to give the way she does.  I am a volunteer, and that is because of mama Patt.  How beautiful to see a selfless soul reach out, through the power of God, and save a child in whatever way they’re capable.  I will never comprehend, even as I take on these traits myself.  The only explanation I can give is love, outstanding love that pours out of your heart, most often found in those with a story they allow to change them.

I’d like to change something from my previous post, everyone has a story, something that could change them, if they allow it.

You are beautiful, in your own unique way.